Sidney Powell, the prominent defense attorney who continues to fight to expose alleged widespread voter and ballot fraud in states like Georgia and Michigan, provided an update to Fox News’ Sean Hannity on the state of her cases, while also revealing an unfortunate turn of events as her cases are reviewed.
According to the Washington Examiner, Powell told Hannity that many witnesses involved in her case are already being threatened and, in one case, reportedly physically assaulted, though Powell didn’t elaborate on the details surrounding the alleged assault or intimidation, other than to say one witness was “beaten up and is in the hospital.”
Other witnesses fear losing their jobs should they choose to come forward with potentially damning information with Powell adding that “lives have been threatened.”
“There have been all kinds of repercussions against people who have come forward to tell the truth,” Powell claimed. “And no, Democrats don’t like whistleblowers, they only like liars who claim they’re whistleblowers.”
Powell went on to inform Hannity that some of the witnesses she’s counting on for her cases — including some in governmental roles — can’t come forward “without certain protections in place,” which undoubtedly complicates matters in the ongoing legal fight to prove the voter fraud allegations.
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A video of Powell explaining that to Hannity can be seen below (ignore the comments of the liberal snowflake who captioned the video):
This is just sad.
Hannity takes Sidney Powell at her word that her witnesses can't come forward "without certain protections in place" and that they "require confidentiality" because their "lives have been threatened" and one has been "beaten up and is in the hospital." pic.twitter.com/5ZmAUPFIgF
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) December 1, 2020
The Washington Examiner pointed out that Powell didn’t provide evidence that her witnesses were being threatened and withheld from telling Hannity any specific instances.
But given her claims and level of involvement, it’s certainly not a stretch to assume that witnesses in her various lawsuits could certainly be under threat or otherwise fearful of coming forward with headline-rocking information.
Of course, Powell has maintained in the weeks after the 2020 election that she has mountains of bombshell evidence that would be required to actually reverse the results of the November 3 election. While she is widely supported and praised by Trump supporters and high-profile conservative personalities, she’s also been subject to criticism by some of the biggest conservative names in the business for, so far, failing to bring home a victory.
Powell’s primary focus has been on the alleged manipulation of voting machines from Dominion Voting Systems, which she claims stems from overseas actors who were actively involved in helping rig the 2020 election in exchange for financial gain. Dominion Voting Systems leadership has vehemently denied the allegations on numerous occasions.
Most recently, she has filed two large lawsuits: One in Georgia and one in Michigan, where she claims thousands of ballots should be invalidated due to various levels of corruption and ballot-stuffing.
While it’s safe to say that most Trump supporters hold out hope that Powell can bring home a winner, her biggest enemy at this point is time. With states certifying their votes as fast as they can to prepare for the upcoming Electoral College proceedings, hopefully, Powell and her team can convince a judge that her evidence requires thorough investigation before any presidential decisions are written in stone.