A new report shows vaccinated young people are developing a potentially fatal heart inflammation at extremely high rates, indicating healthy young people are more likely to be harmed by the vaccine than by COVID itself, warned Tucker Carlson on his Fox News show.
Amid silence from the Biden administration, researchers in Israel found the incidence of myocarditis in vaccinated young men was 25 times the usual rate, and some of them died. An expert on myocarditis in Canada observed the same problem in vaccinated patients, calling it “more than coincidental.” And a German vaccine panel on Thursday advised that healthy young people generally should avoid the vaccine.
“This is a serious development for us in the United States,” Carlson said on his show Thursday night. “If statistical trends observed in Israel hold here, as many as 150,000 young Americans will develop a potentially fatal heart disorder because of the COVID vaccine.”
Carlson noted that the two biggest vaccine monitoring systems in the U.S. – the Vaccine Adverse Reporting System, or VAERS, and the CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink – show strikingly high rates of myocarditis in young people who’ve been vaccinated.
“We clearly have an imbalance there,” a CDC official announced today.
Carlson commented that “imbalance” is one way to put it, and “potential emergency” is another.
“Given these numbers, it’s possible that healthy young people will much more likely to be harmed by the vaccine, than by COVID itself,” he said.
Studies in medical journals such at Britain’s The Lancet and the Journal of the American Medical Association have shown that COVID is not a grave threat to children and that young people don’t play a significant role in spreading COVID. According to the CDC, the survival rate for people from birth to age 19 is 99.997%.
Yet most institutions have ignored concerns about serious and possibly deadly side-effects of the COVID vaccines. Many colleges and universities have announced they will require students to present proof of vaccination to return to campus.
But some schools won’t apply that requirement to faculty and staff, Carlson pointed out, “for reasons no one has explained, or could possibly defend.”
“In the end, most will have no choice but to take a drug other government have concluded is dangerous for them to take,” he said.
Virginia’s state university system announced Wednesday that vaccine exemptions will be very difficult to get. They “will not be granted based on a philosophical, moral, or conscientious objection.”
“In other words,” Carlson commented, “your conscience is irrelevant.
“Personal autonomy means nothing. It is no longer your body, it is no longer your choice. When it comes to the vaccine, there is no escape.”
No one knows, he argued, the long-term effects of these experimental vaccines, which are under emergency use authorization as they continue in trials that won’t end until 2023.
On Thursday, the FDA’s advisory panel met to discuss the rise in cardiac emergencies in healthy young people who have been vaccinated. The rate of myocarditis so far is more than twice what U.S. authorities anticipated.
A Tufts Medical School professor on the panel warned that “before we start vaccinating millions of adolescents and children, it’s so important to find out what the consequences are.”
Carlson concurred, but “Joe Biden doesn’t want to wait.”
“Biden promised universal vaccination, whether we need it or not, and he plans to get it done,” Carlson said. “Last week, he told you to shut up and take the shot.”
“You know,” Biden said, “some people have questions about how quickly the vaccines were developed. They say they’ve been developed so quickly, they can’t be that good. … The bottom line is this — I promise you: They are safe. They are safe. And even more importantly, they’re extremely effective.
“I promise you: they are safe. They are safe.”
See the “Tucker Carlson Tonight” segment:
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