The Department of Justice is investigating former President Donald Trump as part of the probe into the events of Jan. 6, 2021, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.
That’s apparently a top priority at the moment.
Yet, as Fox News’ Tucker Carlson noted in his Wednesday monologue, the DOJ isn’t just reticent about investigating President Joe Biden’s wayward son, Hunter. According to whistleblower reports, the department is actively blocking investigations into his business dealings abroad.
“At the same moment DOJ is investigating a former president for saying things Joe Biden didn’t like, that same DOJ is apparently hiding evidence of criminal activity by Joe Biden’s son, Hunter,” Carlson said.
(Here at The Western Journal, we’ve been on top of Hunter Biden’s shady dealings since before his father declared he was running for the presidency. We’ll continue to insist that he be held accountable for his actions. You can help us bring America the truth by subscribing.)
The monologue came after two major revelations involving Hunter Biden and his business deals abroad.
Earlier this week, GOP Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa cited whistleblower information that the FBI and Justice Department engaged in efforts to discredit legitimate information about the president’s son in the run-up to the 2020 election, according to CBS News, including an October 2020 order in which “an avenue of derogatory Hunter Biden reporting was ordered closed” by a senior FBI agent.
Then, Wednesday evening, the New York Post reported James Gilliar, one of Hunter’s former business associates, “referred to Joe Biden as ‘the Big Guy’ in a panicked message the same day The Post broke news of the infamous laptop from hell left behind by the president’s son.”
The Post said “Gilliar had referenced the ‘big guy’ as he acted as the driving force behind Hunter and his uncle Jim Biden’s planned multimillion dollar deal with Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC.”
Another former business associate of Hunter’s, Tony Bobulinski, alleged before the 2020 election that Joe Biden was “the big guy” in an email sent by Gilliar — in which he says 10 percent of the equity in the CEFC deal would be held by Hunter for “the big guy.”
Yikes. Yet, as Carlson noted, the DOJ and the Democrats seem to have other priorities right now — namely, Donald Trump.
“Day after day, they bombard you from every news source telling you that Jan. 6 was the worst insurrection since Mussolini’s march on Rome,” the Fox News host said. “Obviously, they’re lying. You know that. They know that. Why are they doing it?”
Part of it, he noted, was the fact many Democrats called Trump an illegitimate president after the 2016 election and, lo and behold, riots broke out in Washington, D.C., on the day of Trump’s inauguration. Yet no investigations were opened against the Democrats who questioned the election’s legitimacy because, as Carlson said, “political speech is not a crime in America. It has never been a crime in America.”
“Even if extremists use your words to justify their violence, you cannot be arrested for their deeds because we have a First Amendment. Political speech is sacrosanct, period,” he continued.
“The Supreme Court has ruled on this many times. It’s at the very heart of our system. It is why this is a free country.
“But in the single most radical move, perhaps, of the entire Biden administration, the attorney general, Merrick Garland, has decided to change this.”
Carlson the Post’s report that the Department of Justice is now investigating Trump’s conversations leading up to the Capitol incursion.
“The revelations raise the stakes of an already politically fraught probe involving a former president, still central to his party’s fortunes, who has survived previous investigations and two impeachments,” the report Wednesday said.
“Long before the Jan. 6 investigation, Trump spent years railing against the Justice Department and the FBI; the investigation moving closer to him will probably intensify that antagonism.”
Yet, as Carlson noted, at the same time that the Department of Justice examines political speech, evidence is mounting that it has tried very hard to turn a blind eye to Hunter Biden’s business activities in Ukraine, China, Mexico and elsewhere.
Grassley’s whistleblower revelations, Carlson said, were the “latest evidence” the FBI is simply going to look the other way when it comes to Hunter.
“Those complaints reveal efforts to ‘improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation,’ thereby causing ‘investigative activity to cease.’ So, call it Russian disinformation, end the investigation into whatever Hunter Biden did,” Carlson said.
“In the words of Chuck Grassley, ‘The allegations provided to my office appear to indicate that there was a scheme in place among certain FBI officials to undermine derogatory information connected to Hunter Biden by falsely suggesting it was disinformation,’” the Fox News host said.
“In other words, not only did they not consider charging the president’s son, they actively lied to the public about the nature of his crimes.”
He went on to recount that 50 former intelligence officials, including big names such as former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and ex-CIA Director John Brennan, signed on to a letter calling Hunter’s laptop “Russian disinformation.”
“It wasn’t. It was entirely real. They knew it was real. Not one of them has apologized. Not one of the 50 has apologized for lying on the eve of a presidential election about facts that might have influenced voters to vote differently from the way they voted,” Carlson said.
“They interfered, those 50 intel officials interfered in our democracy. They’ve never been held accountable. They never even acknowledged what they did.
“That was happening in public, but in private, according to Chuck Grassley’s office, one senior FBI official ordered a Hunter Biden probe closed ‘without providing a valid reason as required by FBI guidelines.’ Just shut it down. It’s the president’s son. We want this guy to win. Don’t hassle his boy.”
As constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley pointed out in an Op-Ed for The Hill last week, a grand jury is looking at potential charges against the president’s son.
“While it is unclear if there were any indictments, some crimes seem undeniable on the basis of known evidence,” Turley wrote. “For example, Biden seems clearly to have lied on the federal form to acquire a gun by denying his drug use; he also appears to have violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act. And there are obvious tax charges that could be brought, even though he paid outstanding taxes after the investigation began.
“However, some of the most serious allegations of corruption concern alleged influence-peddling and acquiring millions from foreign figures. Not only were there reportedly more than 150 suspicious activity reports (SARs) filed, but those millions seemed to evaporate. His dealings reportedly involve an array of powerful figures, including his father, his uncle and the children of other well-known families.”
As for the president, a voicemail from Joe on Hunter’s laptop put the lie to the president’s claim he’s never talked to his son about his overseas business dealings, with the elder Biden telling his son he was “in the clear” regarding a 2018 piece about Hunter’s dealings with CEFC.
“Joe Biden used his public office to enrich his family. That is a crime. It’s a crime by statute and it’s certainly a moral crime,” Carlson said.
But the DOJ doesn’t seem too interested in either Hunter Biden or “the big guy.” In fact, there are plenty of allegations it has blocked investigations into either one.
Donald Trump and Jan. 6, however — that’s a much juicier subject, even after years of trying to peg chimerical crimes on the former president.
What a surprise.
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