Was the first superspreader COVID-19 event at a military athletic tournament that took place two months before the first reported cases of the virus? And was it part of a Chinese bioweapons experiment?
That’s the allegation being made by Wei Jingsheng, a former Chinese Communist Party insider who defected to the United States in the 1990s. Jinhsheng said he heard about Beijing carrying out an “unusual exercise” during the October 2019 7th CISM Military World Games in Wuhan.
“I thought the Chinese government would take this opportunity to spread the virus during the Military Games, as many foreigners would show up there,” Wei told a documentarian from Sky News, according to the U.K.’s Daily Mail.
“[I knew] of the possibility of the Chinese government using some strange weapons, including biological weapons, because I knew they were doing experiments of that sort.”
The allegation, made during the documentary “What Really Happened In Wuhan,” would seem wild if they didn’t come from one of China’s most well-known dissidents, a man who has many connections in the country which jailed him for much of his adult life for what they deemed “counter-revolutionary activities.”
The claim was also backed up by Miles Yu, former principal China adviser to the U.S. State Department. Yu told Sky News that American, French and German athletes got sick at the games with COVID-like symptoms, but were never tested.
And then there was State Department COVID-19 investigator David Asher, who said the virus could have been circulating in the United States well before it was originally thought to be.
“We see some indications in our own data … that there was COVID circulating in the United States as early as early December, possibly earlier than that,” Asher said.
Wei also said he approached the Trump administration with this information in November of 2019, but was rebuffed.
“The long-time democracy campaigner, who has served time in prison for ‘counter-revolutionary activities’, said he made the approach as whispers of a ‘new SARS virus’ began circulating on WeChat and other Chinese social media platforms,” the Daily Mail reported.
“I felt they were not as concerned as I was, so I tried my best to provide more detail and information,” Wei said.
“They may not believe that a government of a country would do something like [cover up a virus], so I kept repeating myself in an effort … to persuade them.”
According to News.com.au, Wei wouldn’t name the Trump administration official he talked to, but said they were high-ranking.
“I’m not sure if this politician wants me to talk about him right here,” he said.
“But I want to say he is a high enough politician, high enough to be able to reach the President of the United States.”
The October date would be well before investigators believe the disease started spreading in December of 2019. It wasn’t until Dec. 31, 2019, that China acknowledged a cluster of cases in Wuhan. Furthermore, the nation denied it was contagious until late January.
Are any of Wei’s allegations true? Sure, they may seem out there — but the problem is that China has invited scrutiny of this sort through its handling of COVID-19.
Beijing punished early whistleblowers who warned about the disease, lied to the world about the gravity of the situation until it was too late and continues to thwart anyThe Western Journal real investigation into the origins of SARS-CoV-2.
Thanks to that, it’s likely we’ll never get a straight answer regarding when the disease originated from China itself. Thus, when one of its exiled dissidents makes this kind of accusation regarding a disease that’s killed millions of people, we don’t have to reflexively believe it. But we do have to listen.