U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, is known for inflammatory rhetoric and odd ideas.
One recent proposal she submitted to Congress would require gun owners and their family members to undergo “psychological evaluations” and pay huge fees to maintain their Second Amendment rights.
Now she wants “40,000” Americans who protested election manipulation on Jan. 6 near the U.S. Capitol to be arrested.
2/4 alleged that 40,000 protesters were in DC with the mindset to overturn a legitimate election and to kill the Speaker, the Vice President, and Members of Congress, in that instance, only 300 persons have now been arrested and are being prosecuted. What kind of justice is that?
— Sheila Jackson Lee (@JacksonLeeTX18) March 3, 2021
4/4 information to law enforcement that needed to have such information so that a stronger response could have occurred against those who were intending to do the seat of democracy harm and to kill the people inside.
— Sheila Jackson Lee (@JacksonLeeTX18) March 3, 2021
In a series of tweets reported by Big League Politics she said: “Testimony today on the Hill evidences that in the Portland protests, a thousand people were arrested. People protesting against the violence that was evidenced in the George Floyd murder. People wanting good things to happen. In Washington DC on January 6th, where it is alleged that 40,000 protesters were in DC with the mindset to overturn a legitimate election and to kill the Speaker, the Vice President, and Members of Congress, in that instance, only 300 persons have now been arrested and are being prosecuted. What kind of justice is that?”
She added: “How clearly does that show a racial and political divide where protesters who want to overthrow the government who were the supporters of the former president and exhibited acts of racism were barely prosecuted and barely arrested? The FBI failed to provide detailed information to law enforcement that needed to have such information so that a stronger response could have occurred against those who were intending to do the seat of democracy harm and to kill the people inside.”
Big League Politics said Jackson Lee “implied that every protestor who was outside of the Capitol on January 6th should face criminal prosecution in a Tuesday tweet threat, utilizing a ‘guilt-by-association’ theory more commonly associated with the criminal justice system of third world countries.”
The Houston lawmaker “falsely claimed that the 40,000 protestors who arrived in the area of the Capitol in January all intended to overturn the election by killing the Speaker of the House, Mike Pence, and Members of Congress. In reality, there’s little to no reason that anyone outside of small handful of easily manipulated cosplayers intended to become seriously violent.”
The report pointed out that among the many peaceful protesters were those who “urged those breaking boundaries to stop.”
“Jackson Lee’s proposal would criminalize peaceful protest in a direct fashion,” the report said.
Via Wnd