President Joe Biden visited Pennsylvania on Tuesday to give a speech that was supposed to be about the importance of safety for local communities.
Instead, he began telling another one of his unsubstantiated hero tales from his past.
According to The Daily Wire, Biden was discussing his memory of a time in Wilmington, Delaware, when he found himself “in one of those old Victorian two, three-story apartment buildings and going up to see a woman, whose name — she’s passed away but won’t mention her name now — and stand in that rotunda, that part that stuck out around the building.”
After setting the scene, Biden recalled the conversation he supposedly had with the unnamed woman.
“And she said, ‘Joey, I know,’” Biden said. “I know what’s going on. They all plan it downstairs. I can hear them, but I’m afraid to tell anybody. I’m afraid to tell anybody. The gangs.”
An unbelievable story. pic.twitter.com/RjUsJ0jnLP
— Tim Meads (@TimMeadsUSA) August 30, 2022
Being the strapping hero that he was, at least according to his own recollection of the events, Biden said he immediately took action.
“And so I got her … so I got a phone number for the local cops,” Biden told his audience at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre. “She called, they promised not to identify her because they knew there’d be retribution, and the crime rate began to drop. For real, not a joke.”
Now, as unlikely as this story seems, it is possible it could be true. Biden may have talked to a lady about crime in Delaware at some time in the past, and he may have even contacted the police about it.
The problem is that Biden has proven himself to be untrustworthy when it comes to stories about his past. One commenter on Twitter summed up many Americans’ feelings perfectly.
“Doesn’t sound unbelievable but at the same time that would be something he’d make up,” the user wrote.
Sadly, this is the state of affairs in our country. Americans are unable to tell when our president is telling the truth and when he is making up stories to make himself look good.
Given Biden’s past tendencies, Americans cannot be blamed for having doubts about this particular story. Take, for example, a tall tale Biden has told repeatedly about his supposed interaction with an Amtrak conductor.
In May 2021, Biden was speaking at an event celebrating the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Amtrak rail system.
“There was an article, I guess my fourth or fifth year as vice president, saying, ‘Biden travels 1,300,000 miles on Air Force [Two],’” Biden said.
“And I used to — the Secret Service didn’t like it — but I used to like to take the train home. My mom was sick and I’d try to come home almost every weekend as vice president to see her. And I was getting on the train and Angelo Negri came up and he goes, ‘Joey, baby,’ and he grabbed my cheek, started squeezing, like he always did. And I thought he was going to get shot. I’m serious. And I said, ‘No, no, he’s a friend.’”
Notice in this story, just as in Biden’s story about the old lady in Wilmington, the person he was talking to addressed him as “Joey.” This seems to be a tactic Biden uses when stretching the truth.
“He said, ‘Joey, what’s the big deal?’” Biden continued. “‘1,300,000 miles on Air Force Two? You know how many miles you’ve traveled on Amtrak?’ I said, ‘No, Angie, I don’t know.’ And he gave me the calculation, and he said, ‘You’ve traveled 1,515,000 miles on Amtrak.’”
Biden said the conversation occurred in his “fourth or fifth year as vice president,” meaning it would have been around 2013. According to Negri’s obituary, he retired from Amtrak in 1993 and died in 2014.
Biden also claimed he was going to visit his sick mother on the trip, but she died in 2010, Fox News reported. Biden’s second year as vice president.
Biden has repeated the story at least three other times during his presidency, often changing the timeline and the number of miles traveled. Each time, the details have conflicted with reality.
In another example, Biden said in March 2020 he remembered seeing two men kissing in public in the 1960s. He said he looked at his dad, who told him, “Joey, it’s simple. They love each other.”
Given the cultural climate around homosexuality in the 1960s, it seems highly unlikely two men would kiss in public during the middle of the day.
Americans ought to be able to trust our president, but his repeated doubtful stories make it almost impossible to do so. Some of the stories simply feel unlikely, while others can be thoroughly debunked through basic facts.
Biden has proven himself to be untrustworthy, and that is why Americans are quick to doubt his exaggerated stories about his past.
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