An unhinged leftist confronted Fox News host Tucker Carlson at a fly fishing shop in Livingston, Montana on Friday.
“You are the worst human being known to mankind. I want you to know that,” Dan Bailey, a fishing guide said as he got in Tucker Carlson’s face.
Tucker kept his cool but stood his ground.
“Settle down, son,” Tucker said as he walked away in an effort to deescalate, but the man followed him around and continued to argue.
A fly fishing guide just confronted @TuckerCarlson to his face, telling him, “You are the worst human being known to mankind. I want you to know that!” Let’s make this go VIRAL! pic.twitter.com/T98wD8Kp9I
— Occupy Democrats (@OccupyDemocrats) July 24, 2021
The original video was posted to Dan Bailey’s Instagram account and he claimed Tucker Carlson killed people with vaccine misinformation.
“This man has killed more people with vaccine misinformation, he has supported extreme racism, he is a fascist and does more to rip this country apart than anyone that calls themselves an American,” Dan Bailey said in his Instagram caption.
The fishing guide who confronted Tucker is not affiliated with the fishing shop although he shares the same name as the founder of the store.
“This person has no affiliation with our business, other than he shares the same name as our founder, who passed away in 1982. To be clear, we treat every customer equally and respectfully. Our staff was professional and cordial to Mr. Carlson, as we are with all of our customers,” Dan Bailey’s Fly Shop owner, Dale Sexton said in a statement.