The political groups affiliated with billionaire George Soros helped elect 75 ”social justice” prosecutors in U.S. cities that, for the most part, have incurred major crime spikes, according to a new report provided by Secrets.
The price tag for the Soros-led movement: approximately $40 million.
For the 17-page report, compiled by the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, Soros-backed prosecutors represent 1 in 5 people living in big cities, or roughly 72 million.
And that includes nearly half of the 50 most populous U.S. cities and counties, where 40% of the nation’s homicides reportedly occur.
In a statement to Secrets, LELDF President Jason Johnson addressed the notion of Soros funding prosecutors who are historically lenient on violent crimes, advocates of taking guns from responsible citizens and defunding police organizations.
”Soros is using that campaign money and the hundreds of millions more for supporting organizations to quietly transform the criminal justice system for the worse, promoting dangerous policies and anti-police narratives to advance his radical agenda,” Johnson said.
”Over the past decade, George Soros has spent $40 million to elect 75 of his chosen prosecutors. In campaigns from Houston and Los Angeles to Philadelphia and Orlando, Soros was the campaign’s biggest spender by far — as much as 90% of the dollars spent in some races. Soros isn’t done yet — he’s already spent another million so far this year on his hand-picked district attorneys.”
With Soros-backed attorneys general, the report outlines a common thread of the candidates possessing little to no administrative experience, but strongly supporting social justice initiatives.
”Traditionally, elections for district attorney have been quiet affairs. Candidates spent very little on their campaigns, instead jockeying for local endorsements and burnishing their legal qualifications for the top job. That changed recently as millions of campaign dollars have flowed into these down ballot contests.
”The bulk of that lavish spending on advertising and consultants has been done by [or on behalf of] ‘social justice’ candidates,” the report reads.
The Secrets report continues: ”In most of these free spending contests, progressive forces proved victorious by either defeating incumbent Democrats or crushing a field of primary contenders. Strikingly, most of these prosecutors were political neophytes and had zero prosecutorial experience — previously an assumed prerequisite for office. Many have no previous criminal case experience.”
Among Soros’ most prominent election victors:
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg; Buta Biberaj, the Loudoun County, Virginia, commonwealth attorney; and Chicago prosecutor Kim Foxx, who was accused of misconduct, or ”operational mistakes,” in the early stages of the Jussie Smollett/MAGA attacker hoax case.
Via Newsmax