Former Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows announced Tuesday that he would no longer work with the US House’s Jan 6 Committee because they were not respecting Executive Privilege and the separation of powers.
The next day the corrupt and partisan committee moved forward with criminal contempt charges against Meadows.
Later that day (Wednesday), Meadows sued corrupt Speaker Pelosi and the Jan 6 Committee and each member of the corrupt committee.
Today Breitbart’s Joel Pollak reported that Meadow’s suit may actually win and shut down the corrupt committee at the same time.
The lawsuit makes some familiar arguments, such as that the committee is violating the Constitution’s separation of powers by encroaching on executive privilege. Former Trump aide Stephen K. Bannon, who is being prosecuted by the supposedly apolitical Department of Justice for contempt of Congress, is making the same case against his subpoena in federal court.
But Meadows goes further, pointing out that the January 6 committee violates the terms of its own enabling resolution.
The resolution, H. Res. 503, provides that the committee “shall” consist of 13 members, five of which “shall be appointed after consultation with the minority leader.”
But the committee only has nine members, seven of whom are Democrats, and only two of whom are hand-picked anti-Trump Republicans. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) rejected the five members chosen by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (D-CA), an unprecedented step to ensure a one-sided inquiry.
Furthermore, Meadows’s lawsuit points out that while the chair of the committee can order subpoenas, that authority is not absolute. H. Res. 503 requires the chair of the committee to consult with the ranking member before issuing a subpoena for a deposition. But the committee has no ranking Republican member, which could make the committee’s subpoenas invalid.
If Meadows’s lawsuit is successful, he could not only block his own subpoena, but could see the entire committee declared invalid. Pelosi and the Democrats would have to start over — this time, obeying the rules, with five Republican members.