Nancy McEldowney, Kamala’s national security adviser, is leaving the vice-president’s office to attend to some personal matters, according to an internal memo. After serving in her role for more than a year, she’s planning her exit. McEldowney hasn’t announced her last day on the job but she said she’s ‘not rushing out the door.’
She said that she is stepping down to ‘focus on some pressing personal matters.’ Is that a nuanced version of spending more time with one’s family? It sounds like that but maybe it’s something more. For those keeping track at home, she is staffer number ten to leave Kamala’s office only a little more than a year into the Biden administration. What is notable is that these resignations are not just run-of-the-mill staffers, the ones leaving Kamala are top staff. No one wants to work for Kamala.
McEldowney promises her unshakable support for Biden and Harris to remain steadfast. That commitment speaks more about her than it does about Kamala. She has been with the administration since the beginning and has advised Biden and Harris on Afghanistan, Iran, Ukraine and cybersecurity issues. Given the utter failures of this administration on all those topics, well, good riddance.
McEldowney said that she is stepping down to ‘focus on some pressing personal matters’ but will remain an impassioned supporter of the Biden Harris administration.
‘This was a difficult decision because I am so deeply committed to the work we do and the crucial national interest we serve. But after more than a year, this is the right decision for my family,’ she said.
So, Kamala’s national security adviser announced her intent to leave while the Biden administration fumbles around with its response to Putin’s war in Ukraine and the State Department moves ahead with Biden’s Iranian nuclear deal. Not to mention the chaos left behind from Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, with Americans and Afghan helpers still stuck there. There really isn’t much success to point to, is there? Joe Biden is known for being historically wrong on foreign policy and Kamala has not proven to be any better. I don’t think it is a coincidence that on the heels of Kamala’s trip to Poland and Romania to reassure NATO allies of our support, her national security adviser announced she’s leaving. That trip, like all of the others by Kamala so far, was roundly criticized.
In Warsaw, Harris attracted controversy after laughing off questions about the refugee crisis resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
At the press conference Friday, she ignored answering a specific question on how long Americans might have to deal with inflation and high gas prices, and instead talked about the plight of those refugees coming from war-torn Ukraine.
‘When we look at Putin’s actions … it is painful to watch. It is painful to watch what is happening to innocent people in Ukraine, who just want to live in their own country and have pride in themselves as Ukrainians,’ she said. ‘Who want to be home speaking the language they know, going to the church that they know, raising their children in the community where their families have lived for generations.’
‘And by the millions now are having to flee with nothing but a backpack,’ she added.
She pointed to the Russian attack on a maternity hospital. ‘Pregnant women,’ she remarked in disgust at how they had been targeted.
‘We are – we have the unfortunate experience, all of us right now, who are not in Ukraine, of witnessing horror,’ Harris said. ‘So we are committed in everything we are doing.’
‘And yes, the president did say in the State of the Union there is a price to pay for democracy,’ she added.
Just last week, Kamala’s deputy press secretary stepped down. I didn’t realize until then that Kamala’s Twitter account is being run by the DNC, which seems really odd. I mean, she’s got staff who do communications for her. Besides the stories of how poorly Kamala runs her office, is it a problem of her making poor choices when picking staff?
McEldowney’s deputy, Philip Gordon, will replace her. Gordon currently serves as special assistant to the president and deputy national security adviser to Kamala. He, too, has been with the administration since its beginning. McEldowney has a 31 year career in Foreign Service. She has served as ambassador to Bulgaria, and deputy chief of mission in Azerbaijan and Turkey. Was she not being listened to by Kamala and Team Biden or is she no better at foreign policy than Biden himself?
The poll numbers are not good for Kamala. She has polled lower than any vice-president in modern history, including Spiro Agnew or Dick Cheney. Her public appearances don’t help. She randomly cackles at inappropriate times which leaves her audience and observers confused. She’s a dreadful public speaker who uses large helpings of word salad in place of intelligent discourse. Reporting from leaks in her office includes her unwillingness to properly prepare for foreign trips by using briefing books put together by staff. She usually sounds as though she doesn’t understand the subject at hand. Kamala constantly reminds us she was chosen by Biden because she is a black woman, not because of her resume.
Too harsh? I don’t think so. She is a heartbeat away from the presidency. Do you want her in charge of the nuclear codes or the American economy? We know how horrible Joe Biden is but Kamala is even worse. Biden is pushing 80 years old. He’s feeble and frail. His staff is so eager to make him look strong and physically fit that when Biden rode his bike over the weekend, while at his beach home, the press covered it, complete with their own swooning commentary.
Who will be staffer number eleven to resign from Kamala’s office? I have a feeling it won’t be too much longer before we find out, given how the dam seems to be bursting.
Via Hot Air