Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife, Virginia Thomas, has now become the latest right-wing figure to be targeted in the ongoing Congressional investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021, incursion on Capitol Hill, as it has been revealed she sent text messages to former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows in the days leading up to the incident.
On Thursday, one day before the Supreme Court announced that Justice Thomas had been released from the hospital following a week-long stay after being admitted for an infection last week, the media breathlessly reported that Mrs. Thomas, aka “Ginni,” had sent the texts to Meadows which echoed a sentiment that was commonplace among Trump supporters in the pre-Jan. 6 aftermath of the 2020 election.
“Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!!… You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America’s constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History,” Thomas wrote on Nov. 10 in one of the 29 text messages reportedly obtained by the Jan. 6 congressional committee and reviewed by The Washington Post.
In a later text, Meadows assured Mrs. Thomas that “good” would prevail.
“This is a fight of good versus evil,” he wrote on Nov. 24, as the Trump camp was making its case for campaign fraud. “Evil always looks like the victor until the King of Kings triumphs. Do not grow weary in well doing. The fight continues. I have staked my career on it. Well at least my time in DC on it.”
“Thank you!! Needed that! This plus a conversation with my best friend just now… I will try to keep holding on. America is worth it!” Thomas replied.
It is not clear who her “best friend” is, but some have speculated that she was referring to her husband, Justice Thomas, with whom she is apparently not allowed to discuss personal views on current events in private because he is a sitting Supreme Court justice.
Mrs. Thomas, a conservative activist in her own right, has faced increasing scrutiny over her alleged involvement in organizing the Jan. 6 Stop the Steal rally, which was vocally intended to be entirely peaceful but, of course, will always be remembered for the breach into the Capitol Building, despite the overwhelmingly law-abiding protesters who remained non-violent and broke no laws.
Thomas has denied ever being involved with organizing the rally, and as she told The Washington Free Beacon earlier this month, left the event early because she got cold.
The text messages were turned over to the Jan. 6 committee by Meadows, who has been in their crosshairs for some time. They bolster claims that Ginny Thomas was egging the Trump camp on in its refusal to concede.
In one, she urged Meadows, “Do not concede. It takes time for the army who is gathering for his back.” Thomas also shared links to theories about how the election might have been stolen and pointed him to various right-wing pundits such as Rush Limbaugh and Dan Bongino, who were presumably presenting their own theories.
One closely scrutinized message involved a reference to the now-notorious attorney Sydney Powell, from whom the Trump legal camp would later distance itself over her bold claims of widespread election fraud.
“Sounds like Sidney and her team are getting inundated with evidence of fraud. Make a plan. Release the Kraken and save us from the left taking America down,” Thomas reportedly wrote to Meadows at one point, echoing Powell’s own public vow to “release the Kraken.”
Speaking to the Free Beacon, Thomas was clear that she, like millions of other Americans, no doubt, was disappointed with both the outcome of the election and the violence that broke out on Jan. 6.
“I was disappointed and frustrated that there was violence that happened following a peaceful gathering of Trump supporters on the Ellipse on Jan. 6,” she said. “There are important and legitimate substantive questions about achieving goals like electoral integrity, racial equality, and political accountability that a democratic system like ours needs to be able to discuss and debate rationally in the political square. I fear we are losing that ability.”
Yet she was firm that she played no hand in organizing the rally, as had been claimed in reports by The New Yorker and New York Magazine.
“I played no role with those who were planning and leading the Jan. 6 events,” she told the Beacon. “There are stories in the press suggesting I paid or arranged for buses. I did not. There are other stories saying I mediated feuding factions of leaders for that day. I did not.”
As the Post notes, her text messages, if authentic (and we have no reason to doubt their authenticity) certainly do give new insight into the degree to which she was offering counsel to the Trump White House as her husband would subsequently be presented with the campaign’s legal challenges to the election.
They will also no doubt play a role in calls for Justice Thomas to recuse himself should the high court consider further cases involving claims of election fraud or malfeasance in 2020, although, as Mrs. Thomas told the Beacon, she claims she and her husband have entirely separate professional lives.
Opponents of Trump and those who promote the narrative of a Trump-led insurrection campaign that sought to overthrow an entirely legitimate, fraud-free election are no doubt thrilled to have a reason to link to it Justice Thomas, who dissented from his colleagues’ decision not to hear the cases which challenged the outcome of the 2020 election.
One wonders, however, if there would have been the same degree of scrutiny into how, say, Justices Sonia Sotomayor or Stephen Breyer’s spouses might have communicated with affiliates privately in the aftermath of the 2016 election which, let’s not forget, the political-media establishment spent a great deal of energy undermining for several years while Trump was in office.
Conservatives would have been outraged, for sure. But would the Post, one of the top purveyors of the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory?
You might not buy Powell’s far-reaching, wild theories about election fraud, but it’s far from hysterical to state that there was at least some funny business; after all, there have been aspects of alleged election fraud that have been proven to be legitimate or rather, illegitimate.
I have to say I agree with Mrs. Thomas that we need to be able to discuss and debate issues like election integrity civilly and rationally. That is simply not what happened in 2020 and early 2021.
The Congressional Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans, as well as the establishment media complex, would no doubt have you forget that, before the incursion of Capitol Hill, the movement to challenge the results of the election was entirely peaceful and civil, and it took place within the confines of our constitutional system, that is, in state legislatures, the courts and the halls of Congress.
There’s a good chance that, had the protesters never stormed the Capitol Building that day, the bid to overturn the results of the election would have failed, but it would have failed after going through the proper and appropriate channels, and operatives like Meadows and Mrs. Thomas would have simply chosen how to respond politically and legally.
Instead, the establishment is desperately trying to paint them as the treasonous masterminds behind a Banana Republic-style insurrection, which many would argue is, at the very least, no better than what the Clinton campaign and Obama administration have long been quite reliably accused of doing in 2016.
One would hope, at the very least, that all parties could be considered with the same degree of scrutiny, since absolutely no one is — or should be — above the law.
Unfortunately, it hardly seems possible anymore, particularly when it comes to the agenda of Washington D.C.’s elite and the reporters who, rather than fairly expose any and all wrongdoing as best they can without bias, play a very active role in the broader agenda.