James Dobson, the founder of the James Dobson Family Institute and the host of “Family Talk” radio programs on hundreds of stations across the nation, has advised five presidents on family and faith issues.
He’s not a personal adviser to the current president, but he has a word for warning for him.
America has been “teetering near the point of no return” for some time, Dobson wrote in his February newsletter, and the “freefall has begun.”
“The few remaining voices of reason and truth in the public square are being censored by big tech, expelled by corporate thought police, and twisted by the fake media,” he said.
“It is dizzying.”
On his first day in office, Dobson wrote, Biden began “to reveal his radical agenda for our nation.”
“When joined with the influence of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, a sweeping takeover by the radical left is occurring at lightning speed,” he said. “They have seized power in all three branches of government, and it is operating pell-mell without checks and balances.”
Suddenly, Dobson wrote, the leftist dream of “a socialist-totalitarian state … appears to be within reach.”
For supporters of a constitutional republic, it is “deeply troubling.”
“Who would have believed that a coup of this scope could occur overnight within this greatest nation on earth? Cherished freedoms that have been enjoyed and protected for 232 years are now in serious jeopardy. Among them are religious liberty, free speech, and the right to own and bear arms. Everything that has defined America is being threatened or destroyed,” he said.
“President Biden, though old and frail, is the spearhead for what amounts to a cultural revolution. He and those around him are jerking the nation 180 degrees to the left. The mechanism they are using to get this done is a flurry of executive orders that bypass the legislative process,” which he described as “an audacious expression of raw power.”
No other president in recent decades has come anywhere near to signing the number of orders by Biden in the first weeks in office.
And while the number is concerning, the greater worry is “how radical” most of them are.
“Lest we forget, just a few months ago candidate Joe Biden criticized executive orders as actions taken by a ‘dictator,’ and asserted that a democracy requires ‘consensus.’ So much for his empty rhetoric,” Dobson wrote.
“He also called for unity in his inaugural speech, but with a few swipes of his pen he ended that illusion.”
Biden’s offenses, he said, include rejoining the World Health Organization and Paris climate agreement, stopping the border wall, limiting immigration enforcement and opening the door of the armed forces to people with gender dysphoria.
His offenses against faith, however, trump his other work, Dobson said.
They include rescinding the Mexico City Policy so American taxpayers now must fund abortions worldwide and funding the abortion industry domestically.
Then there’s his subservience to the “outrageous demands of the LGBTQ movement,” including allowing males to “enter private spaces for women, such as locker rooms and showers.” And demanding health insurance pay for body mutilation surgeries called “transition” procedures.
“This atrocity is not only an affront against God’s biological design of men and women, who are created in His image, it also decimates equal opportunity for women in sports and violates the conscience of health care providers,” he wrote.
He said Christians now must honor God and refuse to remain silent “as our government seeks to call good evil, and evil good.”
“Our task is harder now than ever, but it is also more urgent than ever. Our resolve must remain strong. As long as I have breath, I will stand against what is wrong and be a voice for what is right. I pray that people of faith will stand with me in the days ahead,” he said.
He cited a message from Rabbi Jonathan Cahn to Biden.
See the message:
Dobson said he was reminded of Thomas Jefferson saying, “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just.”
“Given our utter depravity, I wonder how we can escape judgment by the Almighty,” said Dobson, who has authored dozens of books on the family, including “The New Dare to Discipline,” “Love for a Lifetime,” “Life on the Edge,” “The New Strong-Willed Child,” “When God Doesn’t Make Sense,” “Bringing up Boys” and “Bringing Up Girls.”
He was an associate clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of Southern California School of Medicine for 14 years and on the attending staff of Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles for 17 years. He has been active in governmental affairs and has advised five U.S. presidents on family matters. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California (1967) in the field of child development.
He holds 17 honorary doctoral degrees, and was inducted in 2008 into The National Radio Hall of Fame.
Via Wnd