In early August, Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock announced a COVID-19 vaccine mandate. He declared that all city employees, and even some private-sector employees who worked in “high-risk settings,” must be vaccinated by Sept. 30, according to the government’s website.
Jose Manriquez, a seven-year veteran with the Denver Police Department, faced with the prospect of losing his job, opted for the vaccine.
Manriquez and his attorney, Randy Corporon, appeared on Fox & Friends on Friday where he told his story to co-host Ainsley Earhardt.
Corporon represents nine officers from the Denver Police Department who have had their first dose of the vaccine and, for various reasons, do not wish to take the second dose.
“We’ve got officers who’ve had to retire early. We’ve got Jose, 34, who’s at the beginning of his career. He had trouble getting up here, to his chair,” he said.
Manriquez, a 12-year veteran with the Army National Guard and a father of four, had his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine on Aug. 22.
“That week, I started developing body ache, pain in my legs,” he told Earhardt. “The next week, August 31, I tried going into work. My legs hurt a lot more.”
“Ended up getting sent home,” he continued.
“And on my way home, I couldn’t feel my feet anymore. I couldn’t feel the gas pedal or the brake pedal. And pretty much had to call for help to get home. And I barely made it.”
Asked how he feels, Manriquez replied, “Uncertain.”
“I can’t be outside with my kids,” he said, fighting back tears. “We got soccer season. It’s life-changing, and the doctor says it could get worse before it gets better. And if I do get better, it’s going to be years.”
He explained. “So, I always carry my kids to bed. And they’re like, ‘Daddy, we’ll just walk to bed.’”
His lawyer shared that he’d been on the phone with Manriquez recently and he broke down. “He had fallen over putting his kids to bed, and you know, his little girls think Daddy’s broken.”
“This is a guy who had serious COVID last year and beat it,” Corporon said. “So, his body was raging with antibodies. And they gave him this jab, and now his hand was shaking like this, this morning when he came up. It’s outrageous.”
His sister, Soila Hurtado, set up a GoFundMe page for Manriquez. She wrote, “He received the mandatory vaccine on August 22, 2021 and immediately started having a bad reaction. Since receiving the vaccine he has not been able to return to work and his future is uncertain as we do not know how long his road to recovery will be.”
“As the sole income provider for his family of 6. He was very involved with all of his children’s sports and activities. After receiving his vaccine my brother has developed severe tremors, he has trouble sleeping due to the amount of pain in his legs, he can’t walk without the worry of falling due to his legs giving out and has actually fallen a number of times.”
Although many individuals tolerate the vaccine well, the growing number of people who’ve suffered adverse effects after taking it should give the government, on both federal and local levels, pause.
On Sunday, I posted about a happily married woman with two young children, aged 37, who felt that the vaccination posed far more risk to her than the virus itself would. Faced with being unable to visit her children’s classrooms, she took the vaccine and died from a vaccine-induced blood clot.
This can only be called medical tyranny. And it is being thrust on Americans against their will.
What about the medical privacy that was provided to us under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act?
People must be allowed to choose what gets injected into their bodies.
This is the most dangerous presidential administration in our nation’s history. I hope that America survives it, and I mean that sincerely.
The Western Journal has published this article in the interest of shedding light on stories about the COVID-19 vaccine that are largely unreported by the establishment media. In that same spirit, according to the most recent statistics from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System, 8,164 deaths have been reported among those who received a vaccine, or 21 out of every 1,000,000. By contrast, 694,701 deaths from COVID-19 have been reported by the CDC, or 18,281 out of every 1,000,000. In addition, it must be noted that VAERS reports can be filed by anyone and are unverified by the CDC. Thus, as the agency notes, “Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem.” The decision of whether to receive a COVID vaccine is a personal one, but it is important to consider context when making that decision. — Ed. note