Ron Watkins – CodeMonkeyZ — released several photos on Monday leaked to him from an alleged Dominion Voting Systems employee and whistleblower.
The documents prove that Dominion has remote access to their equipment during the elections.
This is a HUGE development.
Here is a page from the Dominion playbook on RAID and BIOS settings.
According to Code Monkey Z:
Our whistleblower is not from Arizona.
Our whistleblower is from one of the many other states that used the Dominion software.
Our whistleblower went to excruciating effort to detail and archive everything possible.
Our whistleblower was trusted enough to be given instructions on how to modify the BIOS.
Here is another document from the Dominion whistleblower.
On Tuesday CodeMonkeyZ published a video that PROVES that Dominion CEO John Poulos lied under oath about remote access.
Via CodeMonkeyZ:
The whistleblower reached out with footage filmed of the Dominion Election Management System inside an election center in one of the states that used Dominion software and hardware (not Arizona).
As you will see in the video, the whistleblower initially discusses with a Dominion employee about who holds the BIOS password and it is discovered that the STATE is keeping the password – not Dominion, and not the county.
Later, the whistleblower asks the Dominion employee about connectivity and whether or not the machines can be connected to the internet…
With just 1 minute and 17 seconds, we expose their most egregious lie.
The Gateway Pundit spoke with Ron Watkins on Wednesday morning. Here is what Ron told us:
Ron Watkins told us the Dominion whistleblower reached out to him recently.
He-she was working inside the election tabulation room in one of the big counties. Ron did not want to disclose the state where this took place.
Ron told us, “The video I put out was 1 minute 13 seconds and I’ve got approximately 30 minutes of video total.”
There’s a lot of documents and there’s a lot of secret stuff I’m holding back on for now. And what you’ve seen is NOT the whole thing.
We asked Ron how he confirmed that the documents were real?
Ron Watkins responded, “The video is absolutely where it claims to be from. The screenshots that I posted in the video are highly cropped. The rest of the footage is obviously inside the Dominion server room. You can see all different people and their names. The reason I cropped it out is that once one of those people are known they know which tabulation center that is then our whistleblower is in danger. I don’t know if the whistleblower is still working there or what’s going on.”
TGP: You did confirm that the person did work at Dominion?
Ron Watkins: Confirmed. Yes.
Then Ron dropped this bomb.
Ron Watkins: And what I put out is maybe 1% is conservative. Maybe 1% of 1%. What I put out is highly focused because it caught the CEO of Dominion in perjury. He said there’s no way these machines can be connected in his Michigan testimony. Well they can be… Technically they can be connected by the administration BIOS.
More on the USB option.
Ron Watkins: Something else that concerned me. The fact is the USB’s are enabled on the server. And the checkbox for USB boot is enabled also… That means if you put an operating system on a USB and then you plug into the machine and turn it on, it’s possible to boot the operating system from the USB and not use the one from the hard drive. So technically you can have two operating systems on one system.
Ron told us he is concerned about his safety.
Ron has more coming out. He reiterated that he has released only 1% of the content he is holding.
Ron was gracious with his time. God protect him.
** We wrote Dominion Voting Systems for comment and will update if-when they respond to our request for a statement.