A CNN analyst slammed unvaccinated Americans on the network Friday, and suggested they have their traveling “privileges” revoked if they continue to hold out.
If this story doesn’t make your skin crawl, and also highlight how detached the establishment media is from reality, then nothing will. CNN medical analyst Leana Wen told the network on Friday morning that being an American comes with privileges, which in turn come with certain obligations to the rest of society.
“There are privileges associated with being an American,” she claimed. “That if you wish to have these privileges, you need to get vaccinated.”
“Travel, and having the right to travel in our state, it’s not a constitutional right as far as I know to board a plane,” she claimed as network pervert Jeffrey Toobin looked on.
.@DrLeanaWen: “There are privileges associated with being an American. That if you wish to have these privileges, you need to get vaccinated. Travel, and having the right to travel in our state, it’s not a constitutional right as far as I know to board a plane." pic.twitter.com/eyhEVooV20
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 10, 2021
Wen apparently knows little of constitutional law. It’s clear she knows very little about how anything works in this country.
The Supreme Court weighed in on what Wen was yammering about in the 1958 case of Kent v. Dulles. Writing for the court, Justice William Douglas called basic travel a fundamental part of liberty.
“The right to travel is a part of the ‘liberty’ of which the citizen cannot be deprived without the due process of law under the Fifth Amendment,” Douglas wrote.
But the point here is beyond the obvious for CNN. The point is that the American left wants to literally control people’s movements. They are in charge and they are going after Americans they view as problematic in any way they can.
These people are attempting to condition us to believe that we live to serve government, and not the other way around. They actually want us to believe that we can be manipulated into doing what’s right for the collective.
There is no collective in this country, because individual liberty trumps what those currently in power consider to be best to please themselves and others. Americans have the freedom of choice — we don’t owe our acquaintances a vaccine jab so we can all visit the same stores, or travel to the same spots.
Thankfully, CNN’s ratings are in the dumpster, so it’s not likely Wen’s message was seen by many people. But sadly, those running our government share Wen’s twisted view of civil rights — and this is a civil rights issue.
President Joe Biden on Thursday lashed out at Americans who have refused vaccines. He vowed to bring OSHA into the equation after companies have refused thus far to stand between people and their doctors or personal beliefs.
The Biden administration will seemingly dig deeper to deprive people who want to protect themselves from intrusive mandates. These authoritarians are looking at how to compel people to comply by inferring that our very freedom is selfish.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked at her Friday media briefing if Biden is considering banning unvaccinated Americans from flying.
“We are always looking at more we can do to protect and save lives,” she said. “Obviously, he made a significant and bold announcement yesterday, so I don’t have anything to preview — predict or preview for you, but we’ll continue to look for ways to save more lives.”
It’s officially open season on the unvaccinated. It’s time for people to dig in and draw a line. If D.C. Democrats can mandate a vaccine and then deny those who refuse it the basic right to travel, what else are these cretins capable of?