45 senators have already voted that the impeachment is unconstitutional so the trial in DOA.
So now it looks like the Democrats are trying to set up a perjury trap since they don’t have a case.
House Democrats are requesting Donald Trump testify under oath, which would include cross-examination at the senate impeachment trial.
Rep Jamie Raskin, the lead impeachment manager, sent a letter to Trump and his counsel on Thursday asking him to answer questions about his January 6 speech.
CBS reported:
The House Democrats who will present the case against former President Donald Trump in his Senate impeachment trial are requesting the former president testify under oath during proceedings next week.
Raskin suggested Mr. Trump provide his testimony, which would include cross-examination, as early as Monday, February 8, and no later than Thursday, February 11.
“Presidents Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton both provided testimony while in office — and the Supreme Court held just last year that you were not immune from legal process while serving as president — so there is no doubt that you can testify in these proceedings,” Raskin wrote. “Indeed, whereas a sitting president might raise concerns about distraction from their official duties, that concern is obviously inapplicable here. We therefore anticipate your availability to testify.”
Trump should decline the Democrats’ request of sworn testimony because their plan is to catch Trump in a perjury trap.