President Joe Biden has a well-documented history of racially tinged incidents, but a new book suggests that his struggles with race relations started even earlier than many realized.
According to Fox News, Politico reporter Ben Schreckinger is set to release his new book, “The Bidens: Inside the First Family’s Fifty-Year Rise to Power,” next week. Fox News obtained a chapter of the book before its release, and it reportedly has some pretty damming details about Biden’s past.
The book says that when Biden moved into his parents’ Faulkland, Delaware, home during his first years in the Senate, the house had a covenant banning “any Negro or person of Negro extraction” from owning or living in it.
In 1986, Biden spoke out against the restrictions. He claimed his parents had disavowed the covenant and that the deed his father signed did not include the restrictions.
However, Biden’s Senate tenure began in 1973. This means it took him 13 years to speak out against a racist covenant directly connected to a home he occupied.
If Biden is truly the advocate for minorities he claims to be, why would he not speak out against the covenant as soon as he moved into the house? That would seem to be an issue worthy of addressing immediately, not one to ignore for 13 years.
One possible explanation is Biden did not address the covenant because it was not politically convenient for him. After all, history shows Biden has used race as a political weapon multiple times.
In 2006, Biden attempted to win support for his 2008 presidential campaign by praising his home state of Delaware as a “slave state,” the Washington Free Beacon reported.
Clearly, Biden has no issue invoking racism if he believes it could earn him votes. The fact that his initial reaction to the challenge of winning Southern voters was to tout the history of slavery in his home state makes his feelings pretty clear.
During his political career, Biden has associated himself with notorious racists. According to Fox, he delivered a eulogy for Democratic West Virginia Sen. Robert Byrd, a former KKK member.
If we fast-forward to Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign, you might remember he said black people who wouldn’t vote for him weren’t truly black.
“I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,” he told podcast host Charlamagne tha God in May 2020.
Since taking office, Biden has promoted critical race theory, which essentially argues that white people are inherently racist and black people should blame them for nearly every struggle they face. Despite claims that it is meant to fight racism, the theory is racist in and of itself.
So what do all of these otherwise-unrelated incidents have in common? They prove Biden is far more concerned about himself than he is about helping minorities.
If Biden wants to appeal to southern voters, he will talk about his childhood in a “slave state.” If he wants to appease the radical left wing of his base, he will push CRT and talk about how racist white men are.
And if he wants to live in a nice house his parents gifted him, he will conveniently ignore the restrictive covenant banning black people from living there.
For Biden, it is never really about fighting for the oppressed or ending actual racism. It’s just about what benefits him at a particular time and place.